Much is being made about the departure in 2010 of the 10th Doctor, David Tennant Certainly he is and will be considered one of the great doctors of all time. He took the role from the much appreciated Christopher Eccleston, who single-handedly brought back Dr. Who to the prominence it so rightly deserves.
David Tennant came on and continued the renaissance that is the new Doctor Who. He brought,as all the actors do, a unique style. He was part Elvis, the side-burns, part Ben Stein, the running shoes and suits, and a whole lot of style. He was smart, a bit arrogant at times, especially when he was right, vulnerable and caring.
One of the delightful cuts from Doctor Who came from the ``Children in Need`` special:
The interaction between the Two Doctors is very special, it is as if a fan is meeting his hero, and truly the line `you were my favourite doctor`is given with a great deal of sincerity. The exchange is not just starry eyed fan, there are a lot of great lines in a matter of a few minutes.
The question however is, who will be the next WhoÉ Even Russel Davis isn`t sure.
This being one of the premier television roles on British Television, there is no end to either the speculation or the suggestions. One person has suggested Stephen Fry. Another actor, Warrick Davis has expressed enthusiasm for the role and no doubt the list will grow and people will start campaigns for their favourite person to be the next Doctor Who.
Right now the odds on favourite, at least by the bookies is Paterson Joseph. As you can read, he has played a character during the first season, so it remains to be seen.
While a number have stressed the replacement actor will be British, a group representing female scientists have begun to lobby for a female Doctor Who. Of course the notion of a female Time Lord is not foreign to the Doctor Who world, all we have to do is remember Lady Romanadvoratrelundar, from the Tom Baker days.
Of course, my favourite candidate, who will sadly not be chosen is Liam Lynch. Since he is an American, that would almost negate the chance, since the BBC will not allow the jewel in its crown to become American. Still he would make a good Doctor since he is a fan as you can see by the video.
The speculation will be entertaining and one can only imagine, Russell Davis telephone will be ringing a lot with calls from all sorts of agents.
Can`t wait to hear who finally will be chosen.